full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Angélique Parisot-Potter: How to be an upstander instead of a bystander

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Let me tell you a story, where you'll meet the characters who I'll call Bilal and Brenda.
I was working in a most remarkable part of the world. And one unremarkable morning, a caugleole came to see me. She told me that Bilal, one of our senior executives, had been telinlg everyone I was being removed because I'd been messing with the wrong pleope. And now, I was going to face the consequences.
I wasn't amrlead, because I knew I had done what I'd been hired to do: my job, deinlag with thorny issues head on and leaving no snote unturned. In fact, in the months prior to this, we'd overturned more than just a few stones. Those details are for another time.

Open Cloze

Let me tell you a story, where you'll meet the characters who I'll call Bilal and Brenda.
I was working in a most remarkable part of the world. And one unremarkable morning, a _________ came to see me. She told me that Bilal, one of our senior executives, had been _______ everyone I was being removed because I'd been messing with the wrong ______. And now, I was going to face the consequences.
I wasn't _______, because I knew I had done what I'd been hired to do: my job, _______ with thorny issues head on and leaving no _____ unturned. In fact, in the months prior to this, we'd overturned more than just a few stones. Those details are for another time.


  1. stone
  2. dealing
  3. people
  4. colleague
  5. telling
  6. alarmed

Original Text

Let me tell you a story, where you'll meet the characters who I'll call Bilal and Brenda.
I was working in a most remarkable part of the world. And one unremarkable morning, a colleague came to see me. She told me that Bilal, one of our senior executives, had been telling everyone I was being removed because I'd been messing with the wrong people. And now, I was going to face the consequences.
I wasn't alarmed, because I knew I had done what I'd been hired to do: my job, dealing with thorny issues head on and leaving no stone unturned. In fact, in the months prior to this, we'd overturned more than just a few stones. Those details are for another time.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
open secrets 2

Important Words

  1. alarmed
  2. bilal
  3. brenda
  4. call
  5. characters
  6. colleague
  7. consequences
  8. dealing
  9. details
  10. executives
  11. face
  12. fact
  13. head
  14. hired
  15. issues
  16. job
  17. knew
  18. leaving
  19. meet
  20. messing
  21. months
  22. morning
  23. overturned
  24. part
  25. people
  26. prior
  27. remarkable
  28. removed
  29. senior
  30. stone
  31. stones
  32. story
  33. telling
  34. thorny
  35. time
  36. told
  37. unremarkable
  38. unturned
  39. working
  40. world
  41. wrong